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🤖 Copy to ChatGPT

With this feature, you will be able to ask ChatGPT to explain a selection of code or the open files in your VSCode with a prompt automatically optimized and written for you

Here is how to do it :

Use the VSCode extension

  • For a selection of code

    • In VSCode, select the code you want to give to ChatGPT
    • ⌘ + ⇧ + P
      • aim33 : Copy the current selection to clipboard and open ChatGPT
    • ChatGPT will be opened automatically, you only have to paste the content of your clipboard to the search bar
  • For files opened in your vscode workspace

    • In VSCode, open the files you want to give to ChatGPT
    • ⌘ + ⇧ + P
      • aim33 : Copy the currently opened files to clipboard and open ChatGPT
    • ChatGPT will be opened automatically, you only have to paste the content of your clipboard to the search bar